City updates

Wilson Lo Wilson Lo

Southbound lane reductions along Woodroffe Avenue for ongoing watermain repairs

Starting Wednesday, January 15, sections of Woodroffe Avenue, from David Drive to Norice Street, will be reduced to one lane southbound. The southbound lane closure is related to emergency watermain repair work, involving excavation in the southbound lanes of Woodroffe Avenue, replacement of sections of watermain, and reinstatement of the road.

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Wilson Lo Wilson Lo

National Non-Smoking Week (January 19-25)

The week of January 19-25 marks the annual celebration of National Non-Smoking Week (NNSW), which provides an opportunity to encourage people who smoke to consider joining thousands of others as they take their first steps to becoming smoke-free.

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Wilson Lo Wilson Lo

At your Library this week

REGISTRATION OPEN! Ready, Set, Kindergarten!↗ A school readiness program for children 3–4 years old, who will be entering kindergarten in 2025, and their adult co-learner. Join us for stories and child-centered learning activities over 5 weeks to get your little one ready for school.

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Wilson Lo Wilson Lo

At the Library this week

Looking to learn a new language in 2025? Check out Mango Languages↗ through the Ottawa Public Library. Mango languages has more than 70 world languages and dialects, English language learning, and assorted specialty courses to meet specific subject matter interests.

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