The Barrhaven East team

Portrait of Councillor Wilson Lo.

Wilson Lo

Councillor - Barrhaven East

Growing up, I always enjoyed learning and sharing knowledge with those around me. I attended St. Augustine Catholic High School in Markham, Ontario, where I was part of their Reach for the Top team from Grade 9 to 12. I still love me some good trivia.

I moved to Ottawa in 2009 to attend Carleton University, and graduated with a Bachelor of Journalism in 2013. Ultimately, I did not pursue a career in journalism, because I found a passion for communications late in my university career.

I became a bus operator for OC Transpo in 2014, and found myself often operating routes in Barrhaven, at first due to lack of seniority, eventually by choice. The time I spent in the community contributed to my decision to move here in 2019 (plus, my wife’s family is here).

I wanted to be more than just a bus operator and combined my job with a desire to share knowledge and stories. I started a personal Twitter account in 2018 to give a behind-the-scenes look at the job. I built several relationships with regular passengers and people online, some of which continue to last.

In mid-2020, I left the driver’s seat for a communications role, where I helped establish and manage the customer service side of OC Transpo’s social media presence as well as transit-related emails from City Councillor’s offices.

I am privileged to serve as your City Councillor for Barrhaven East.

Committee and boards

Councillor Lo sits on the following committees of City Council:

  • Community Services

  • Environment and Climate Change

  • Planning and Housing

  • Public Works and Infrastructure (formerly Transportation Committee)

  • Transit

Additionally, Wilson is a board member of the following organisations:

  • Barrhaven BIA

  • Rideau Valley Conservation Authority

  • United Way East Ontario

Portrait of Julie Parnell, Community Liaison and Casework Specialist in Councillor Lo's office.

Julie Parnell

Community Liaison and Casework Specialist

Julie is the main point of contact for the community and handles administrative matters.

Julie moved to Ottawa for school to complete her undergrad in Political Science and Public Administration. In 2017, she had the opportunity to work as an intern for a previous City Councillor.

When she’s not working, Julie spends her time trying out new recipes and hanging out with her dog, Sophie.

Portrait of Charles Rousseau, assistant to Councillor Lo.

Charles Rousseau

Chief of Staff

An Ottawa native, Charles is a fluently bilingual (English/French), political, and communications professional with over 25 years of experience working with elected officials at the municipal and federal levels.

He provides expertise and leadership in the areas of issues management, policy development, strategic communications, media relations, community and stakeholder relations, and in project and office management.

Portrait of Laura Spragge-Lee, Communications Specialist in Councillor Lo's office.

Laura Spragge-Lee

Communications Specialist

Laura has worked in communications for nearly 15 years, focusing on grassroots non-profits. She grew up in Westboro and saw the immense growth of that neighbourhood. Living just outside of town in Merrickville, Laura lives with her husband and dog and is an active community member.

Within the office, you’ll find her working on website content, social media posts, and the newsletter to keep you informed and up-to-date on the latest happenings that may affect you.

Simone Hamilton

Councillor’s Assistant

Simone moved to Ottawa from British Columbia to study political science at the undergraduate level. In the office, she assists with communications and administrative tasks while developing her skills and learning the intricacies of municipal government.