Hot topics

Discussion and information about new and important topics may become fragmented across different media over a period of time. Additionally, my newsletter has evolved into a combination of a blog, column, and editorial, so they sometimes become statements of position, too.

This page compiles them into a single location to help you keep informed.

    • 2 May 2023 - newsletter (garbage bag tag proposal, early thoughts)

    • 6 June 2023 - newsletter (bag tag proposal update, comments on alternatives to address landfill capacity)

    • 26 September 2023 - newsletter (clarification on yard waste collection changes)

    • 20 February 2024 - newsletter (Solid Waste Master Plan, the bureaucratic stuff)

    • 5 March 2024 - newsletter (Solid Waste Master Plan, my comments, next steps)

    • 4 June 2024 - newsletter (new garbage limit, yard waste clarification again)

    • 27 August 2024 - newsletter (waste containers in parks)

    • 9 July 2024 - newsletter (overview of the issue and overall housing strategy)

    • 10 July 2024 - video (YouTube): City Council meeting where my motion to withdraw staff's authority to purchase and implement sprung structure shelters failed (45:13 to 2:04:00)

    • 10 July 2024 - video (Facebook): closing remarks at City Council meeting

    • 11 July 2024 - media (CBC): Barrhaven councillors fail in attempt to block plan for tent-like migrant centre

    • 16 July 2024 - media (CBC): Barrhaven, Alta Vista shortlisted for tent-like shelters

    • 16 July 2024 - media (CTV): Alta Vista, Barrhaven to be considered for tent-like structure to house asylum seekers

    • 23 July 2024 - newsletter (detailed position, call to action)

    • 30 July 2024 - newsletter (staff engagement update, asylum seeker vs. refugee clarification)

    • 6 August 2024 - newsletter (minor update and clarification)

    • 17 September 2024 - newsletter (minor update)

    • 15 August 2023 - newsletter (explaining the issue)

    • 29 August 2023 - newsletter (update)

    • 21 May 2024 - newsletter (issue resurfaced)

    • 3 September 2024 - newsletter (contractor deploys 30 newer vehicles to Ottawa)