City updates
Help shape the future of Ottawa’s special events
Participate in the online survey to have your say on special event regulations by Sunday, March 31. With your input, together we can improve special event services and key regulations that will help grow our economy, enrich our culture, and protect our community and environment.
Bon Mois de la Francophonie !
Le mois de mars est le Mois de la Francophonie. C’est l’occasion de célébrer la culture, la langue et le patrimoine francophones qui ont des racines profondes à Ottawa.
Have your say: Rain Ready Ottawa program update
We are seeking your input on the Rain Ready Ottawa pilot program. Rain Ready Ottawa is currently undergoing a review to learn from the pilot and identify recommendations for a possible future program.
At the library this week
📢 FREE THIS WEEK AT RUTH E. DICKINSON (and every other week.) 😁 📢 Your library card cost 0$ and includes so many resources, well beyond just books!
Upcoming deadline for interim property taxes and VUT declarations
Residents are reminded of the deadline for interim property tax payments and Vacant Unit Tax declarations on Thursday, March 21.
Increased risk for individuals in close proximity to the inhalation or heating/cooking of unregulated fentanyl
Ottawa Public Health has received reports of people feeling symptoms of headache, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting after being in close proximity to people inhaling or heating what is believed to be unregulated fentanyl. It has been reported that there is a strong smell when the suspected substances have been heated for use.
OPH update: Future of Health and Wellness Speaker Series
On behalf of Ottawa Public Health, in partnership with Algonquin College, we would like to invite you and your network to a moderated panel discussion on Friday, March 15th, 2024 as part of the Future of Health and Wellness Speaker Series.
Grants available to non-profit groups for environmental projects
The City is accepting applications for the Community Environmental Projects Grant Program which provides funding to non-profit organizations interested in undertaking small-scale, community-based initiatives that support an environmentally sustainable Ottawa.