City updates
Spring community recreation in Barrhaven
Spring is in the air and registration for Barrhaven recreation programs is on!
Have your say: City’s water rate structure review
The City is reviewing how we recover costs to deliver water services that you rely on every day, and we want to hear from you.
At the library this week
Freedom to Read Week is this week (February 18 to 24)! Learn about the protection of freedom of expression at your library.
Family Day schedule changes
The City of Ottawa would like to remind residents of the following schedule changes and City service impacts for the Family Day holiday on Monday, February 19. Garbage and recycling WILL BE delayed by one day.
At the library this week
Headsup: the library is closed on Family Day. But, you can participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count. Check out details and bird-related items in the Children's Department.
Ottawa Public Health Update: Respiratory illness & older adults
Ottawa Public Health (OPH) has a few helpful reminders for older adults and their loved ones during the respiratory illness season. We hope you will find this information helpful as you, your loved ones, and your family navigate this respiratory illness season.
At the library this week
Tuesdays are all about the kids at the library! Check out these fun events coming up: A STEM storytime, parenting in Ottawa drop-in with Ottawa Public Health, homework help, and of course, Dungeons and Dragons.