Have your say: Solid Waste Master Plan Engagement Series 3

Between February 7 and March 7, 2024, the City will be engaging with residents across Ottawa on the Draft Waste Plan presented as the Draft Solid Waste Master Plan which was received by City Council on December 6, 2023.

Residents can visit Ottawa.ca/wasteplan to complete our public survey and/or participate in one of four in-person open-houses and two virtual information sessions. 

The goal of this engagement series is to hear residents’ feedback and offer opportunities for the public to ask questions to City staff about the draft Waste Plan. Your feedback will help inform Council’s decision on the final Waste Plan. It is intended to offer Council insight into the public’s support for the Waste Plan.

Information sessions will include a review of how earlier feedback from the public helped to shape the Waste Plan as well as discussions on the Waste Plan’s five areas of focus: 

  • Reduction and reuse of waste

  • Recycling

  • Waste and energy recovery and how to manage the waste that remains after recyclable materials have been separated

  • Operational advancements in the industry 

  • Fostering a zero-waste culture across Ottawa

The public survey is available in 5 languages and a summary has been made available in 10 languages. The City recognizes the importance of capturing the perspective of residents from all communities.

Take the survey to have your say on the Draft Waste Plan! Your feedback will help inform Council’s decision on the final Waste Plan.

If a resident does not have access to the internet to complete the survey, contact the Waste Plan team by phone 613-580-2400 at extension 25550.

Key engagement dates

  • Thursday, February 15: Open-House Nepean Sportsplex: 7 pm to 9 pm 

  • Friday, February 23: Open-House Cardel Recreation Complex: 7 pm to 9pm 

  • Monday, February 26: Open-House Tom Brown Arena: 7 pm to 9 pm 

  • Thursday, February 29: Virtual information session: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm 

  • Monday, March 4: Open-House Ray Friel Recreation Complex: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

  • Wednesday, March 6: Virtual information session: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

  • Thursday, March 7: Online surveys close, engagement series concludes.

The Waste Plan is a living document that will be updated every five years. As part of this review process, and as new strategies and programs are designed over the next 5 years, there will be additional opportunities for public engagement.

Stay tuned to ottawa.ca/wasteplan for updates


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