City updates

Wilson Lo Wilson Lo

Your city, your ideas: City of Ottawa service reviews

We’re looking for ideas on how we can offer services in a new and innovative way, or how we can reduce costs. The goal of these service reviews is to find savings that can be put towards the Term of Council priorities. These priorities are focused on making our beautiful city an even better place to live, learn, work and play.

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Wilson Lo Wilson Lo

Your guide to recognizing Remembrance Day in Ottawa

The National Remembrance Day Ceremony will take place at the National War Memorial on Saturday, November 11. The ceremony will begin at approximately 10:30 am. You can attend in person or watch the ceremony live on the Royal Canadian Legion’s Facebook page and local and national news broadcasts.

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Wilson Lo Wilson Lo

November is Fall Prevention Month

Each year, all members of the community are encouraged to learn more and do more to prevent falls and fall-related injuries. Falls can have serious consequences for older adults, children and their caregivers, but with the right knowledge and precautions, many falls can be prevented.

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Wilson Lo Wilson Lo

Remembrance Day schedule changes

The City of Ottawa would like to remind residents of the following schedule changes and impacts to City services for the Remembrance Day holiday on Saturday, November 11. As the day falls on a weekend, the City will have schedule impacts on Monday, November 13 as well.

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Wilson Lo Wilson Lo

2023 Order of Ottawa inductees announced

Mayor Mark Sutcliffe announced 15 residents who will be inducted into the Order of Ottawa this year, as well as the recipient of the 2023 Brian Kilrea Award for Excellence in Coaching.

This year’s ceremony will take place at City Hall on Thursday, November 16.

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Wilson Lo Wilson Lo

Flu and COVID-19 vaccines

OPH recommends that everyone 6 months and older get the annual flu vaccine and the updated XBB 1.5-containing COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. Effective October 30, 2023, flu vaccines and the updated COVID-19 vaccines are available for all residents. 

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