Weekly newsletter: October 3, 2023

The weather today and tomorrow won’t seem like it, but it’s October!

I spent the weekend building shelves in my garage, so now I have more space for stuff I’ll never get rid of. Fun fact, my garage does not have a single 90-degree angle— they’re more like 85-degree angles.

Lake Wolfgang

Every winter thaw and every time there is a significant rainfall, a very large puddle forms on the west side of Wolfgang Drive south of Fallowfield. I dubbed it Lake Wolfgang and highlighted it as a concern with staff.

Normally, ponding happens near catch basins as the inflow of water is controlled, but the location has no catch basin at the roadway’s lowest point, leaving the water to sit and slowly soak into the asphalt or gaps between the road, curb, and sidewalk.

Over the last week, residents may have noticed crews working on the west side south of Fallowfield (pictured above). As of this morning, the sidewalk and curb have been rebuilt and two new catch basins were added.

I also sent a reminder to the condominium at 3684 Fallowfield Road that they or their contractor shouldn’t be pushing snow across Wolfgang to that sidewalk, as they should be storing snow on their property.

Planned power outages

Hydro Ottawa will be working on their infrastructure on Calaveras and Selhurst avenues over the next two weeks. Part of the work will require power to be shut off to a few properties on those streets during the day.

  • Calaveras Ave – October 5, 2023, 8:00 am to 2:00 pm

  • Selhurst Ave – October 12, 2023, 8:00 am to 2:00 pm

Affected homeowners will be/have been notified by Hydro Ottawa via their set method of communication, and a written notice may also be delivered.

Further notifications will be provided if the power outage is to extend beyond the original duration or if the outage needs to be rescheduled.

Thanksgiving service changes

Black bin/green bin collection next week will be delayed to Wednesday as Monday is the Thanksgiving holiday. Transit will operate on a holiday schedule. A complete list of the availability of city services.

Wishing you and your loved ones a safe and enjoyable long weekend!



Weekly newsletter: October 10, 2023


Weekly newsletter: September 26, 2023