Weekly newsletter: January 28, 2025

Hi, Barrhaven East!

I spent Friday evening at the Sum 41 concert. I’m generally iffy about going to concerts, but I’m glad I went. Not only did I get to relive some of my teenage angst, but I also got to see parents my age introducing their kids to the music of their youth. I had a great time.

Wednesday marks the start of the Lunar New Year and the Year of the Snake. In Chinese symbology, the snake is regarded as intelligent and lacking doubt in morality.

On behalf of my family and me, please accept my best wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous Year of the Snake! 蛇年大吉, 恭喜發財, 身體健康!

Now, let’s sssslither into the rest of the newsletter.

Woodroffe watermain repair

Repairs to the watermain under Woodroffe Avenue north of Norice Street were successfully completed yesterday (Monday). All southbound lanes have been reopened.

Crews are now recommissioning the watermain into service. Periodic southbound lane closures may be needed off-peak from David to Norice to allow crews to access underground valves and chambers throughout the week.

The 1.5-metre-diametre watermain under Woodroffe Avenue is continuously monitored by fibre optic cables, which identified the section of pipe to be distressed and in need of urgent repair earlier this month.

Disturbances in the fibre optic cable’s light signal caused by changes in temperature and vibrations from a leak or other major issue are transmitted to staff monitoring the network. The signal is practically able to pinpoint the exact location of the issue.

The Woodroffe watermain is a critical drinking water supply line for Barrhaven, and a failure would have a major impact on our community. As such, staff mobilised repair works as quickly as possible.

For a long time, that pipe was the only major water supply for Barrhaven, but over the last decade, a new connection under the Rideau River was added to provide backup and to eliminate the single point of failure under Woodroffe.

Some residents may remember the havoc in the community after the pipe failed late in 2007. A metres-high geyser in the middle of the Woodroffe/West Hunt Club intersection, crews wading in knee-deep water, and significantly reduced water pressure and supply to Barrhaven, Riverside South, and Manotick which resulted in residents being asked to forego non-essential water uses and some businesses having to close or adjust their operations.

That level of disruption is something I hope never repeats.

At almost 50 years old, the pipe is expected to last another decade and a half before its replacement.

Recreation registration

Spring recreation activities have been posted and are available for browsing. Registration for aquatic activities opens Tuesday, February 11 at 9:00 pm, while registration for non-aquatic activities opens Thursday, February 13 at 9:00 pm.

To browse, please visit the City’s recreation registration portal↗.

Summer camps will be posted online for browsing on Tuesday, February 4, with registration opening on Thursday, February 27 at 9:00 pm.

Walter Baker Sports Centre swimming pool

The dive tank at the Walter Baker Sports Centre reopened following successful completion of repair works yesterday.

The dive tank was originally scheduled to be closed from January 6 to 20 for repairs related to leaks and water loss, but a structural concern was identified with the pool’s supports for potential erosion from the leak.

The closure was extended to January 27 so that a sonar scan of the pool basin could be completed. The results were returned yesterday and showed no deficiencies for concern.

Several public swims and lane swims at both Walter Baker and Minto were cancelled during the partial closure to accommodate some displaced swimming clubs. Those cancellations (including most originally scheduled for this week) have been removed.

For updated schedule information, please consult the City’s webpages for the Walter Baker Sports Centre↗ and the Minto Recreation Complex↗.

Boards and advisory committees

The City of Ottawa is seeking public members to join select advisory committees, boards, and other bodies. Positions being recruited for include:

  • Ottawa Board of Health – one position

  • Committee of Adjustment – reserve position(s)

  • Rogers Centre Ottawa (formerly Shaw Centre) – one position plus reserve position(s)

  • Accessibility Advisory Committee – one position

  • Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee – two positions

  • French Language Services Advisory Committee – two positions plus reserve position(s)

  • Planning Advisory Committee – landscape architect position

Applicants must be a resident of the City of Ottawa, at least 18 years of age, and not an employee of the City. Additional eligibility requirements may apply for certain positions. The positions are unpaid.

An information virtual session is scheduled for Thursday, February 6 at 6:00 pm on Zoom.

More information about the recruitment process and the boards and advisory committees is available at Ottawa.ca/committees↗.

That’s all for this week!



Weekly newsletter: February 5, 2025


Weekly newsletter: January 21, 2025