Weekly newsletter: February 13, 2024

Looks like the groundhog was right – mid-February and you can almost feel spring in the air. 

After last week’s lengthy newsletter, I thought I’d bring you something a little more lighthearted this week. Next Monday is Family Day and there’s no shortage of things to do. 

Ottawa Public Library 

I’ll let you in on a little-known secret: you can borrow museum passes from the Ottawa Public Library. To say that museums are the only kinds of passes you can borrow would be selling it short – they also have ski passes and Ontario Parks passes, too. Passes are available on a first-come-first-serve basis, so best to pop-in to Ruth E. Dickinson or check out the supply online. 

Please note: The library itself will be closed on Monday.

Wave pool 

There are actually TWO places you could go to pretend you’re in the ocean in Ottawa. The Splash Wave Pool on Ogilvie has a 32-meter waterslide which is pretty awesome and has a drop-in time from 1pm-5pm on Family Day. Or, if you’d rather head to the Kanata Leisure Centre and Wave Pool you can drop in for a wave swim between 1pm-4pm this coming Monday.  

Family skating

While a lot of the outdoor rinks have succumb to good ol’ Wiarton WIllie’s prediction of an early spring, the Rink of Dreams at City Hall has a state-of-the-art way of keeping the ice in prime condition.  

If you’d rather stick around Barrhaven, the Minto Recreation Centre has a couple of times open:  

  • Family skating: 1:15pm - 2:05 pm 

  • Public skating: 2:15pm - 3:05 pm 


Despite some weather challenges, Winterlude has managed to still bring the fun. If you have kids (or if you’re a kid at heart), head to the Snowflake Kingdom at Jacques-Cartier Park in Gatineau.  

They’ve transformed the space with things to do for all ages, like super slides for tubing, obstacle courses, and a zipline. Bonus: they’ve got breakdancing battles (obviously a personal favourite).  

Family Day at Centrepointe Park 

The Nepean Night Market team has put together another free event for the whole family – dogs included! They’ll have live music, games, food trucks, hot chocolate, local vendors, ice skating... well you get it, there’s lots to do from 1pm-4pm. 

Sugar bush

One advantage of the warmer weather? Some sugar shacks have opened, including the Vanier Sugar Shack at Muséo Parc Vanier. While you’re there, grab me a pancake 

City services 

Family Day may affect some city services and we’ll share those as soon as they’re available. We can tell you that garbage and recycle collection will be delayed by one day. 


Weekly newsletter: February 20, 2024


Weekly newsletter: February 6, 2024