Weekly newsletter: April 23, 2024

Hi everyone!

I had a few topics of interest lined up for this week’s topper, but the relevant discussions with staff were pushed back. The ebb and flow of information works in my favour sometimes, less so other times.

Municipal ball diamonds and sports fields are expected to open on time this year on May 1 (ball diamonds) and May 15 (other sports fields). Given the dry winter, staff are looking into the possibility of opening the other sports fields earlier than May 15. Please don’t use the fields before they are open to avoid damaging them.

In other news, I’m buying a kayak soon. I’m looking to hang it from the ceiling of my single-car garage (which also stores my car) but am unsure if I should go with the rack or pulley system. Would appreciate any tips.

I should have a more substantial topper next week, including information about the Zoning By-law update.

Until then, enjoy the last full week of April!



Weekly newsletter: April 30, 2024


Weekly newsletter: April 16, 2024