Reflecting on yesterday

Yesterday’s news is never easy, but the tragic and gruesome circumstances and how close to home it happened made it even more difficult to process.

Our community is reeling from the loss of six people to a tragic, senseless act of violence. They were family to some, friends to others, but neighbours to all of us.

There are kids at Monsignor Paul Baxter Catholic School who will not fully understand why two of their friends haven’t been at school for two days.

There was a mother and four children who came to Canada for a new life and opportunities in our community which has been taken away.

There is a father recovering in hospital who will cope with the devastating loss of his wife and four young children.

I’m grateful for the way our community came together. It’s been heartwarming to know neighbours have been there for each other, and residents have had friends and family from across the city reaching out. The outpouring of support from other institutions has been tremendous.

Our first responders deserve so much recognition and gratitude for what they do, especially for the support they provided throughout the day yesterday.

That love and care and knowing it is there made getting through yesterday easier.

The details of the incident are distressing, and everybody will process it differently, no matter how close or how far you were from the people involved or where it happened.

Help and support are available if you are feeling anxious about yesterday’s events, including calling or texting 9-8-8, our national mental health crisis line. Ottawa Public Health also has a list of tips for communicating and dealing with stressful events at

Councillor Hill, MPP MacLeod, and I will be at Palmadeo Park on Saturday, March 9 at 11:00 am for a quiet vigil. All are welcome to join us in a moment of reflection and to lay some flowers in memory of the victims.

We will be joined by Mayor Sutcliffe and His Excellency Mr. Harsha Kumara Navaratne Weraduwa, High Commissioner of Sri Lanka, as well as area MPs, MPPs, and City Councillors.

There will be no speeches or formalities. We will just be a community coming together to mourn the loss of a beautiful family.

Thank you.



Weekly newsletter: March 19, 2024


Weekly newsletter: March 5, 2024