What can you expect to find?
Local seed vendors
Local, sustainable businesses related
to food and gardeningSeed swap table (free, while supplies last)
Workshops by experienced gardeners
Information booths
Local artisans
How much is it?
Admission and parking are free.
Local bus #55 services Emmanuel United Church.
What can I bring?
Your own reusable bags and, if you have some, your seeds for exchange.
Some vendors will accept card payments, but some might only use cash – time to break out those piggy banks!
Workshop Schedule
10:15am: Ask a question with a Master Gardener
11:00am: Backyard Water Management with Connor Renouf
11:45am: Hillcrest High School Garden Club
12:30pm: Ask a question with a Master Gardener
1:15pm: Bird Friendly Backyards with Berit Erickson
2:00pm: Starting Seedlings 101 and Winter Sowing Native Plants with Luc Bourgeois & Nathalie Bradbury