City updates

Wilson Lo Wilson Lo

Consultations begin over the first draft of City’s new Zoning By-law

The City has released the first draft of the new Zoning By-law, a set of regulations that sets rules on what can be built as of right, without having to seek specific permission. Residents are encouraged to review the draft by-law and provide feedback both online and in person at open-house events.

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Wilson Lo Wilson Lo

Council approves three-garbage-bin limit starting September 30  

Council approved a plan to implement its curbside waste diversion policy, which will come into effect on Monday, September 30.  The new policy allows households receiving curbside collection to set out up to three 140 litre garbage bins every two weeks, limiting the impact on the City’s Trail Waste Facility landfill. More than half of what currently goes to the landfill could be diverted to the green, blue or black bins

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Wilson Lo Wilson Lo

At the library this week

Visit the Library website for our hours of operation, to access online resources, browse books,  and more!  

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Wilson Lo Wilson Lo

Solid Waste Master Plan update

The Solid Waste Master Plan’s Engagement Series 3 ran from March to April 2024 and we heard from hundreds of participants and stakeholders through an online survey, online and in-person engagement sessions as well as focus groups. Staff have been working to analyze this feedback to help shape the Waste Plan and inform future planning for some of the Waste Plan’s actions.

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