City updates

Wilson Lo Wilson Lo

At the library this week

Whether you are transitioning to chapter books and hearing stories read aloud, or reading independently, these are a few to enjoy no matter who is reading.

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Wilson Lo Wilson Lo

National Non-Smoking Week - January 15-19

This week marks the 47th annual celebration of National Non-Smoking Week, which provides an opportunity to encourage people who smoke to consider joining thousands of others as they take their first steps to becoming smoke-free.

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Wilson Lo Wilson Lo

Fostering a positive relationship with food

January is a time when many of us feel pressured to make changes, especially to our health. It’s normal to feel the pressure and overwhelmed, but OPH Registered Dietitians are here to provide some tips for healthy eating habits and to remind you that it’s more than food, how you eat is important too. 

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Wilson Lo Wilson Lo

Share your thoughts on upcoming changes to recreation passes

A new model for City of Ottawa recreation admissions and membership passes is in the works and we want to hear your thoughts! The new model groups activities into three cost categories and would apply to drop-in admissions, multi-visit passes and membership passes.

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