Physical activity, sleep, and socialize

During the winter months, it can be challenging to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. Ottawa Public Health (OPH) is here to help remind us of the importance of regular physical activity, good sleep routines, and making social connections during these cold months so that you can stay healthy, feel better mentally, and boost your overall well-being.

The Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines↗ advises each age group on getting the right amount and type of physical activity, limiting sedentary behaviour (like sitting) and getting enough sleep. 

Physical activity↗ plays a significant role in our overall health. OPH encourages everyone to engage in at least one hour of moderate to intense physical activity each day—something you enjoy, whether it’s walking, skating, or swimming. Winter offers plenty of opportunities for fun activities outdoors. Consider doing these no cost/low-cost activities:  

Sleep↗ is equally important for maintaining good health. OPH highlights the need for 7+ hours of sleep each night and recommends creating a sleep-friendly environment: a cool, quiet, and dark room can help improve your rest. With consistent bedtimes and wake-up times, you’ll feel more refreshed. Avoiding screen time and substances like caffeine and alcohol before bed also makes a big difference in how well you sleep. These small adjustments can help you get the rest you need for staying healthy.

Lastly, making social connections is beneficial for our mental health, especially during the cold winter months when we are more likely to isolate ourselves. OPH encourages in-person interactions with family and friends and to reduce recreational screen time.

For parents and caregivers, the Canadian Paediatric Society’s↗ (CPS) guidelines for managing digital media use can help promote healthy habits for kids too. These are CPS’s four essential “M’s” of digital media use for kids↗:

  • Manage screen use. 

  • Encourage meaningful screen use. 

  • Model healthy screen use. 

  • Monitor for signs of problematic screen use. 

These tips are simple yet impactful, especially during Ottawa’s long winters. By following OPH’s suggestions to stay active, get enough sleep, and prioritize social connections, we can all lead healthier lives, no matter the season.


At the Library this week


Survey: Accessibility features in City parks