Ottawa Public Health Update - Measles Vaccination

Ottawa Public Health (OPH) is monitoring the emergence of measles in different parts of the world, including in Canada, and we are making continued efforts to increase uptake and coverage of routine childhood vaccinations.

In Canada, measles is less common because of high vaccination rates, but cases can occur after travel outside of Canada.

OPH is strongly encouraging all parents and caregivers to ensure their children and youth are up to date on routine vaccinations, especially if you are planning any travel outside of Canada. 

In Ontario, as a part of routine vaccinations, children receive two doses of measles vaccine before the age of 7. 

  • Children receive one dose of the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps & rubella) at 12 months. 

  • Children receive a second dose of measles containing vaccine, MMRV vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella & varicella), between 4 and 6 years old. 

  • Infants 6-11 months:One dose of MMR vaccine may be given if infant is travelling outside of Canada. (Note: Two additional doses of measles-containing vaccine must be administered after the child is 12 months old to ensure long lasting immunity to measles). 


Where to get vaccinated? 

Parents and guardians are responsible for updating OPH every time their child receives a vaccine from their own health care provider. Routine childhood vaccinations can be reported using the Immunization Connect Ontario (ICON) tool or the CANImmunize Application.  

For more information on measles vaccination, please visit our website.   


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