OC Transpo launches its route review

OC Transpo is committed to delivering the best possible service to customers and we recognize that travel patterns have changed over the last few years. That’s why we are conducting a bus route review and they want to hear from you!

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been significant changes to how customers use transit. Considering this, and the upcoming opening of Stage 2 O-Train extensions, there is a need to review the service planning principles that are used to shape OC Transpo’s bus route network to better match customer travel patterns.

These principles include things like how far you walk to get to a bus stop, how

frequently the bus runs, and the maximum number of people on the bus. Once this route review is complete, OC Transpo will have an updated service planning framework. This will help guide potential changes to the bus route network in 2024, and beyond, that may be considered in light of changing travel patterns and the O-Train expansion.

OC Transpo’s Bus Route Review will consider:

  • Industry standards for service planning principles

  • How buses will connect to Stage 2 O-Train extensions

  • New travel patterns and ridership levels

  • Feedback from customers, residents and stakeholders

  • The City of Ottawa’s Equity and Inclusion lens

This work will consist of multiple phases as planning transit principles are reviewed and potential adjustments are made to the bus route network.

OC Transpo wants to hear from you!

Your feedback is important throughout this project. You can get involved today by completing a short survey about how you use the transit system and what you think the future of our transit system should look like. You can also provide additional comments and feedback directly by emailing routereview@ottawa.ca

You can visit octranspo.com for additional information on this important work.


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