At the Library this week

Love is in the air

  • 💘Friday, January 31 from 10:30-noon
    DIY Valentine's Day Cards↗. Spend some time colouring, cutting, gluing, and writing cards for Valentine's Day! Drop-in. Ages 6-12.

  • 💘 Saturday, February 1 at 10:30-11:30am
    Valentine's Day Family Storytime & Craft↗. Join us for Valentine's Day-inspired stories, rhymes, and songs followed by a craft. For children of all ages and their parents or caregivers. Drop-in program.

  • 💘 Wednesday, February 5 at 4:00-5:00 pm
    Escape room at the library for ages 11-15. Anti-love potion #9↗. Oh No! Someone has sprinkled Homework Love Dust in our room and it takes effect in 45 minutes! Can you escape? Register↗ to find out.

Upcoming programs

📌Kids and families↗  

  • 🏰 Friday, January 31 at 1:00-4:00 pm
    Lego Block Party↗. Create and build with Lego at the library. Drop-in. Ages 6-12.


  • 💻 Tuesday, February 4 and Tuesday, March 4 at 3:30-4:30 pm
    Do you have questions about how to use your phone, surf with your laptop or organize with your tablet? Join Techno-Buddies↗ where you will be paired with a Tech Savvy teen who can you demystify everyday technology. Register↗ in person at the Ruth E. Dickinson adult desk to reserve your spot. Upcoming sessions are


Fun is always Free, at the Library

Visit the Library website↗ for our hours of operation↗, to access online resources↗, browse books, search programs and events↗, and more!  


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