City approves new wildlife strategy

Imagine a city where wildlife and residents can co-exist peacefully. That’s the vision behind the City’s new wildlife strategy. In June, the City’s Environment and Climate Change Committee and the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee approved an updated wildlife strategy which prioritizes public safety while promoting respectful co-existence with Ottawa’s diverse wildlife population.

Building on past initiatives, the plan leverages existing resources for most actions, while also proposing new innovative approaches to foster a more harmonious relationship between residents and Ottawa’s wildlife. The City of Ottawa is focusing on long-term solutions, like conserving natural areas, and enhancing environmental policies. This creates dedicated wildlife spaces and ensures that these areas are protected for generations to come.

To move the wildlife initiatives forward, the City is looking to create a Wildlife Resource Specialist position. This expert will be a point person for wildlife response and management activities and will also support public education efforts.

We know that roads can be dangerous for animals and drivers alike, which is why the City will identify priority areas for wildlife crossing on roads, ensuring safe passage for the animals trying to navigate our urban areas. By implementing safe passage solutions, we can reduce accidents for both animals and drivers.

Additionally, the City is exploring the possibility of a three-year pilot program with Coyote Watch Canada. This project would involve having trained volunteers as ambassadors to help with educating residents and coyote management strategies.  

The updated Wildlife Strategy demonstrates the City of Ottawa's commitment to a balanced approach. We recognize the importance of respecting and co-existing with the wildlife that shares our city.

For more information and updates, visit the Engage Ottawa webpage: 


Marketplace Towers – Public Consultation Zoom Meeting, August 12 – 7:30 pm


Highway 417 will close between July 25-29 for bridge replacement