Capital Funding Program: open to applications

Capital Funding is intended for capital improvements to City owned, agency owned or long-term leased properties. Funding will be provided in collaboration with social service agencies on a cost-sharing basis.  

The 2023 Capital Funding priority will be centered around addressing the needs of food security.   


Capital Funding is limited to community based, non-profit organizations or registered charities that:   

  • Match at least 50% of the funded amount by the agency or another funder.

  • Have been a Not-for-profit Corporation or a Registered Charity for at least 2 years.  

  • Have been in existence for at least 5 years.  

  • Have an organizational mandate that aligns to the Community Funding Framework priorities.  

  • Demonstrate financial viability and agency sustainability.  

  • Operate in a non-discriminatory manner as set out by the Ontario Human Rights Code.  

  • Are governed by a democratically elected Board of Directors.  

  • Are in Good Standing with the City of Ottawa.  

  • Are located in and serve residents of Ottawa.  

  • Have facilities either owned by the City of Ottawa, owned by the agency, or have long-term lease agreement.  

Please see the 2023 Capital Funding Process Guidelines for a full listing of ineligible organizations, allowable expenses and ineligible costs. 

What you need

The online application on the City of Ottawa website will require the following documentation to be uploaded before submitting: (Attachment: PDF, XLS, DOC, DOCX, JPEG. Maximum file size 5MB.) 

  1. List of the names, titles and email addresses of members of the board of directors or steering committee from your organization. 

  2. Lease agreement or proof of ownership of your facility.

  3. If rented, documentation indicating that the landlord has agreed to the project is required.  

  4. A copy of your organizations most recent financial statements. 

  5. Three quotes for any expense component of the project that exceeds $3000 is required.  

  6. Budget to be filled out directly on application.  

Successful applicants must provide the following before entering and signing a funding agreement:  

  • Most recent Audited Financial Statements. 

  • Annual General Meeting (AGM) minutes for the last two completed fiscal years.   

  • Most recent approved AGM minutes signed by two individuals with signing authority for the organization.  

  • Current Board of Directors list.   

  • Current organizational chart. 

  • A valid certificate of insurance identifying the City of Ottawa as an additional insured under the insured’s policy/policies of insurance. 


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